Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fueled by Beef

Exciting news....there are young, normal folks that have good sense about beef and health, etc. I subscribe to numerous fitness/health magazines and mostly what they tell me is to eat bizarre, bird like food that probably isn't even available in Earth or even Muleshoe!! Food that Riley and Chicken Fry Smith won't touch with a ten foot pole.

The other day I found this blog through facebook, you know a friend of a friend. I am so excited to find this person. The title of her blog alone is reason to like her and feel like you've known her forever. Maybe I'm living through her since she's also very talented and motivated.

Check out Wrenn's blog for yourself.

This took place at the concession stand after the basketball game the other night.

Summer: "Scout what would you like to eat?"

Scout: "chicken fry and tchetup"

a) Don't all concession stands serve chicken fried steak? lol !!
b) You don't really have to know the original story now to understand why she is called "Chicken Fry".
c) Ha ha....she asked for tchetup not gravy!! I must be teaching the girl something.

1 comment:

ArturoandWrenn said...

Hey Thanks Tori for the mention of my blog! My husband and I are kind of foodies and love many foods, but my favorite protien source will always be BEEF! You just can't beat a medium rare ribeye with a glass of red wine in my book!
Have a great day!