and this makes me very sad. I cannot believe a year has already gone by. It seems like yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. She has been such a good baby and so much fun. I'm not sure what our life was like before, but it must have been boring. Of course we think she is beautiful, smart, and hilarious. It seems like her personality is coming out a little more each day.
Aunt Kait took this photo a couple of weeks ago when we saw them at Grandpa Roy's branding. To see the rest of them go to
My momma came this past Wednesday and we worked like crazy people around this house for a few days. Since I'd been teaching and not working at home, sooo many things needed to be done. Thanks, Mom, for your help!! We also found time for pedicures, some shopping, and the Coors Ranch Rodeo in Amarillo. My step-bro Will Wood works at the Bell Ranch and was on their team. They didn't do so hot, but we enjoyed getting to see him.....even if it was mostly from a distance.
So the party was yesterday at lunch. She pretty much put on a show for everyone (as usual).
Me trying to hang on while she threw a fit to get the cakes. Yep....she throws fits.....yep.....she gets hasn't stopped her yet!
Smearing cake everywhere. We had to give her a quick bath it was so bad.
Opening gifts. She loves clothes......funny huh.
The big "little red wagon" that Grams & Gramps got her. She loves it already!
Testing out the bouncy horse that Mimi & Papa and the Adams family got her.
The Smith Family Scout with her Mimi & Papa
Scout with her Grams & Gramps (Can you tell she was tired of taking pics?)
Scout with the Townsend Family
Scout with the Adams Family (Pakers was at football camp at Tech. We missed him.)
Us with Granny-Great. Sure glad she could come!!
LOVE all the bday pics - looks like she sure loved her cake! The website is (not kaitlynsmithphotography). I haven't gotten the flash drive yet, by the way...
The party was so much fun! Thanks for including us.
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